I went in for my regular doctor appointment today and we received both good news and bad news...
The good news is....
- I no longer have Placenta Previa! This means that I can give birth without having a c-section (if Davis is healthy enough to handle it.)
- Also Davis' intestines do not appear to be dilated at this point!
The bad news is...
- Davis is measuring smaller than they would like and the doctors are concerned about growth restriction. What this means is that Davis is already at a high risk for stillbirth due to his gastroschisis and now this puts him at an even higher risk. I am now required to go into the hospital twice a week for non-stress tests, ultrasounds, and consults until Davis is born. They will watch for any signs that Davis is not thriving. If this turns out to be the case there are a few things the doctors will do...they will hospitalize me until Davis is born, they can give Davis a shot of steroids to help his lung development, and if it comes down to it they will do an emergency delivery to get him out before things get dangerous. I go back for my first round of non-stress tests this Friday.
- Another issue they told us about today is that because Davis' intestines are floating outside his body the intestines are actually pulling his stomach and bladder down. They don't think this should cause any major damage at this point in the pregnancy but I would really appreciate your prayers on this.
All the other things at went on today....
- I had my blood tested for gestational diabetes (hopefully there will be no problem with that)
- I received a flu shot (because I was exposed to the swine flu last week when I went to visit the kids at my mom's elementary school)
- Davis had the hiccups during his ultrasound :-)
Thank you again for your support and prayers! I will continue to keep everyone posted. My next appointments are this Friday, October 2nd and then again on Tuesday, October 6th.