Sorry it has been so long since I have posted an update, Rory's big brother doesn't allow much sitting time around our house!
Here are a few updates...
- Only about 8 weeks to go!!!
- Her fetal echo went well but they will check her heart again after she arrives.
- She is growing well for being a gastroschisis baby...She is in the 40th percentile right now!
- Her intestines are beginning to dilate.
- The portion of intestine still on the inside of her body is the portion that is showing the most dilation right now...this means that somewhere in the loop (most likely where it comes back inside her body through the hole in her abdomen) is getting pinched.
- So far it does not appear that her intestines are pulling on her other organs (Davis' bladder was pulled completely out of his body and his stomach was beginning to show damage from being pulled.)
- She is over 2 pounds!
- I will be getting the steroid injections for her lungs sometime very soon...we are doing everything possible to help her out!
- My next appointment is next week... Thursday, June 2nd.
Thank you for your prayers!!!
You & Rory definitely have Hannah & I's prayers.