Friday, May 18, 2012

God is good!

Sorry it has been FOREVER since my last post, our computer crashed :(

Anyways, things here are great! Both kids are doing wonderful!!

Davis has been fully cleared and it appears his hernia healed on its own, praise the Lord! You would never even know he was a gastroschisis kid :) He is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, and a happy little 2 year old! He was completely potty trained right when he turned 2 in November so that has been pretty nice for mommy! He has a LOT to say and he never stops moving. He loves to help out with Rory, mows the lawn with his John Deer tractor, cruises up and down the sidewalk on his scooter, and even gives me driving tips from the backseat :) His favorite day of the week is Sunday because he gets to go to preschool at church, we are beginning to fill our house with art projects from class :)  

Our little blue eyed Rory is a sweetheart! She is chunky and her doctor loves it! She is still on her special formula but is also eating baby food and crackers now but we are holding off on all dairy products until she is a year to make sure she processes everything okay. Once she turns a year old we will go slow on transitioning just to be safe. She has 2 tiny teeth on the bottom and is working on a few more. She chatters all day long and loves to quack like a duck :) She claps for all of Davis' tricks and waves her "parade wave" to anyone or anything she passes by.

KOIN 6 did a story on our family and our odd situation, if you would like to see here is the link...

Our other exciting news it that we have started the adoption process in Ethiopia through All God's Children International. It is a 3 year process so we have a long road ahead but we are very excited what the Lord has planned for our family! The more research I do the more heartbreaking it is to discover just how much need there is....There are 5 millions orphans in Ethiopia alone. We would really appreciate your prayers!!! Here is the link to the program we are working with if you are curious.... 

Thanks for your continued support and prayers!!



  1. Rory looks like she might have her older cousin Daniel beat in size now! So glad she's so chubby and healthy. :) Such precious pictures.

    And we're so excited for you about your adoption! Praying and looking forward to updates on the process.

  2. Yay I can comment! Thank you so much!

    So Gretchen sent me over because it looks like we are both starting our adoption journey!! We are looking into Uganda right now but we did peek at Ethiopia. I don't know why we decided against it but I think it may have something to do with the corruption level (of child trafficking) involved. Honestly, I'll have to look into it again. But it's such a beautiful country with beautiful people! This may sound strange but I think they have the most beautiful shade of brown for skin I've ever seen! So rich and just beautiful! :)

    I just got off the phone with my husband--yesterday we were talking about being open to the possiblity of adopting siblings (since typically they won't split them up) and the idea of it just seems so "right". It just seems to fit with us for some reason.

    I think in some ways it might be easier (strange as that sounds) to have two adopted children, both from the same culture, at the same time. I think it will help with coping with a new family, country, culture, etc. But of course, there are still other challenges, which I fully expect.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to journeying with you!!! The Ugandan adoptions are only 12-18 months long. Do you know why it takes 3 years in Ethiopia? Blessings to you!!!!

  3. Praise The Lord! We have kept you in our prayers every day, trusting God to keep you & your little family safe in His arms.

    Davis and Rory have both grown so much!

  4. Looks like we're going with Ghana after all!!!! :)

  5. Hope Rory had a wonderful FIRST Birthday!
