Wednesday, November 11, 2009

He is getting BIG!

Our appointment on Tuesday went really well. Here are the highlights....
  • Davis weighs 5lbs 2oz!!!
  • He is still practicing his breathing
  • His intestines are still really dilated but his bladder is not getting worse
  • The doctors are still hoping that we can make it to the 23rd... Since he has to have surgery when he is born they want him as big and strong as possible.
  • He had the hiccups during our fetal monitoring so we got to listen to his tiny hiccups..pretty cute!

Only 12 days (or less) to go!!!!


  1. 12 days...they are going to fly by! I just can hardly wait! Good thing we don't have to wait until December like we first thought - I'd never make it! LOL

  2. It was so good to see you today and see how big Davis is getting! I love all three of you (I am including Brian haha) I cant wait to meet you Davis!

  3. that's so exciting! he's as big as i was when i was born!! go Davis=)
    love and prayers!
