Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meet Miss Rory

Good morning,

I'm so sorry I didn't get the chance to post last night! Rory Elizabeth Glaser arrived at 6:16pm on Wednesday, July 20th! She weighed in at 5lbs. 9oz. and everything went beautifully with her delivery! Because all the doctors and nurses knew us this time around they even let me hold her before they took her to the operating room!!!

She finally started surgery at 10:30pm and we received the call from the surgeon at 12:30am that everything went perfect! Her intestines fit easily back into her body so they were able to complete a primary closure. The surgeon said that because things went smoothly she shouldn't have too much of a difficult time breathing from the new added pressure in her body from her intestines.

We went to see her first thing this morning now that she is settled back in the NICU and her nurse informed us that she had a good night. She has remained stable and her abdomen does not appear to be very swollen. They even mentioned the possibility that the ventilator may come out TODAY!!! Once it comes out we can hold her :-)

Thank you SO much for all your prayers! We are so thrilled to have our little girl finally her and now we can start the process to get her healthy and home!

I will continue to post new information as we get it and of course I will post pictures as well :-)

Getting to hold her right after she was born!

(She was wrapped in a plastic sack up to her armpits to keep her intestines safe, warm and to keep them from drying out before she has her surgery. She is also wrapped in several heated blankets to keep her little body warm.)

Holding Dad's hand while she is prepped for surgery!

Davis and Dad excited about meeting Rory! Davis even danced :-)

Our first family photo as Baby "Ree-Ree" is wheeled away to the operating room.

After Surgery in the NICU

Resting comfortably after a busy night.


  1. So thankful to hear the news (Aunt Margie called me when she arrived because I was away from the internet last night! ;))...and so very, very glad the surgery is already behind you and went well. She is positively precious--and she already looks so much like her daddy, mommy, and brother!

    What a blessing to be able to hold her before her surgery, too! Wow. God is so good. I'm rejoicing with tears in my eyes.

    Thanks so much for the update. Hope you are able to get a bit of rest!

  2. My family and I prayed for you, and I'm so thankful to hear the good news!

  3. She is so beautiful!!! I was crying last night when I saw pictures on Facebook. God is so good! We'll keep on praying for you and Rory!

  4. Praise The LORD! Rory is beautiful.
    Will continue to pray for Rory's speedy recovery.

  5. Praise God! I was praying all day. So glad she's here and safe!

  6. Congratulations on little Rory! So happy surgery went well! Praying for a full and fast recovery!

    God bless you!!

  7. What an adorable, precious little baby the Lord has blessed you with! I praise the Lord with you and pray that little Rory Elisabeth will have a speedy recovery.

    - Samuel (Will Glaser's friend from law school)
